The price was good for this item and you get what you pay for. It is a cheap cabinet so you cannot expect too much sturdiness. For the price, it is what should be expected. The assembly was fine with a couple minor exceptions. The screws provided were not all usable. A couple had heads that were not properly made for use. So there was no way for the screwdriver to fit and do anything. Since they only supply what is needed, I had to use my own screws.
does what is needed
The price was good for this item and you get what you pay for. It is a cheap cabinet so you cannot expect too much sturdiness. For the price, it is what should be expected. The assembly was fine with a couple minor exceptions. The screws provided were not all usable. A couple had heads that were not properly made for use. So there was no way for the screwdriver to fit and do anything. Since they only supply what is needed, I had to use my own screws.