Easy to assemble (two people needed) and looks very very nice when assembled. It fits my storage needs perfectly.
The reason I am only giving 4 stars is because the very last part we assembled were the handles to the doors. One of the nails heads broke off while screwing it into the door and handle. So now the screw is stuck in the handle but the handle is not fully screwed into the door. The screw cannot be removed so we are stuck with a beautiful piece of furniture that has a very visible flaw that affects its use.
Beautiful but one flaw
Easy to assemble (two people needed) and looks very very nice when assembled. It fits my storage needs perfectly. The reason I am only giving 4 stars is because the very last part we assembled were the handles to the doors. One of the nails heads broke off while screwing it into the door and handle. So now the screw is stuck in the handle but the handle is not fully screwed into the door. The screw cannot be removed so we are stuck with a beautiful piece of furniture that has a very visible flaw that affects its use.