I received one box, and I thought it was small to contain all material for a bunk bed, but I called a local company to come put it together for me. They began to put the bed together, without any instructions present in the box. As the continued they realized, there were no screws, no ladder, no fasteners, no railing, etc. So not only was my time and money wasted, but I wasted other people's time and disappointed my children with no bed. I hope the company fixes this problem asap! Looks like it will be a gorgeous bed when its put together.
Where or where are my missing pieces?
I received one box, and I thought it was small to contain all material for a bunk bed, but I called a local company to come put it together for me. They began to put the bed together, without any instructions present in the box. As the continued they realized, there were no screws, no ladder, no fasteners, no railing, etc. So not only was my time and money wasted, but I wasted other people's time and disappointed my children with no bed. I hope the company fixes this problem asap! Looks like it will be a gorgeous bed when its put together.