I had been watching this bed for a while and I finally got it. Very sturdy and nicely made. I bought it for my 19 and 15 year old boys and it works well. My only cons was that it took a while to assemble... roughly 5 hours with 4 people. There were a few dings on the headboards but nothing we can't hide and a few of the doughs were distorted. It would have been nice if there were extras and if this large set came with two assembly tools.
I also bought the mattress below and had no issues: www..com/gp/aw/d/B07BNS3JQD?psc1refppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title
Great Choice
I had been watching this bed for a while and I finally got it. Very sturdy and nicely made. I bought it for my 19 and 15 year old boys and it works well. My only cons was that it took a while to assemble... roughly 5 hours with 4 people. There were a few dings on the headboards but nothing we can't hide and a few of the doughs were distorted. It would have been nice if there were extras and if this large set came with two assembly tools. I also bought the mattress below and had no issues: www..com/gp/aw/d/B07BNS3JQD?psc1refppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title