Have to pay attwntion to those predrilled holes. I had to take apart 3 times partly bc of that. But overall the bed is super sturdy. If I had paid closer attention it would have gone quicker for me. Took me little over 4 hours.
Overall seems very sturdy.. i agree with some other reveiews.. 8 inch mattress seems to be the key. Anything bigger top or bottom doesn't fit well. (Bottom you'll bump your head really easy and top will be just below the railing by a few cm
awesome full over full bunk bed!
Have to pay attwntion to those predrilled holes. I had to take apart 3 times partly bc of that. But overall the bed is super sturdy. If I had paid closer attention it would have gone quicker for me. Took me little over 4 hours. Overall seems very sturdy.. i agree with some other reveiews.. 8 inch mattress seems to be the key. Anything bigger top or bottom doesn't fit well. (Bottom you'll bump your head really easy and top will be just below the railing by a few cm