I hired someone from Task Rabbit to assemble and it took less than an hour for them to put this piece together. Its the perfect size to hold what I need it to (I live in a Brooklyn studio) without taking up too much space (I easily fit my printer onto one of the inside cabinets). Its a great display for my dishes and bar items, while discreetly storing my kitchen appliances below. Ive gotten several compliments.
Classy and Perfect Size
I hired someone from Task Rabbit to assemble and it took less than an hour for them to put this piece together. Its the perfect size to hold what I need it to (I live in a Brooklyn studio) without taking up too much space (I easily fit my printer onto one of the inside cabinets). Its a great display for my dishes and bar items, while discreetly storing my kitchen appliances below. Ive gotten several compliments.