Easy to assemble. Looks great. Not sure why anyone complained about assembly or the doors not being lined up - you should always stand the item up on the floor before tightening things so its all level and square. Its not rocket science, just common sense. If you assemble something on a surface thats not flat or level, its not going to be square. Thats user error. Mine came together perfectly and Im very happy with it. I even added some peel and stick wallpaper to the back inside the cabinet for a little visual interest when you open it, so putzing around with lining up the pattern on that added some time to the assembly, but I still had the whole thing put together while sitting on the floor drinking wine and watching the movie Bohemian Rhapsody. I also glued some anti-slip pads to the feets so it doesnt get bumped and slip around on my hardwood floors. This is a nice little sideboard for an apartment and Im very content with it.
Great piece
Easy to assemble. Looks great. Not sure why anyone complained about assembly or the doors not being lined up - you should always stand the item up on the floor before tightening things so its all level and square. Its not rocket science, just common sense. If you assemble something on a surface thats not flat or level, its not going to be square. Thats user error. Mine came together perfectly and Im very happy with it. I even added some peel and stick wallpaper to the back inside the cabinet for a little visual interest when you open it, so putzing around with lining up the pattern on that added some time to the assembly, but I still had the whole thing put together while sitting on the floor drinking wine and watching the movie Bohemian Rhapsody. I also glued some anti-slip pads to the feets so it doesnt get bumped and slip around on my hardwood floors. This is a nice little sideboard for an apartment and Im very content with it.