This is a fun, fairly sturdy product. would have given it four stars- Except for assembly issues. The instructions had many typos (pieces mislabelled/swapped) that meant we had to re-do a few steps and was quite frustrating. Also the drill holes arent great- so we had some split wood. Now that its built, its very study and looks great. Our mattress is very deep (13 inches) so the fence just comes up to the sides. so were adding bed raisers to get the fence up higher and give it a cozier feel. The kid loves it. Not sure how im going to make the bed.
Cute bed, some minor issues
This is a fun, fairly sturdy product. would have given it four stars- Except for assembly issues. The instructions had many typos (pieces mislabelled/swapped) that meant we had to re-do a few steps and was quite frustrating. Also the drill holes arent great- so we had some split wood. Now that its built, its very study and looks great. Our mattress is very deep (13 inches) so the fence just comes up to the sides. so were adding bed raisers to get the fence up higher and give it a cozier feel. The kid loves it. Not sure how im going to make the bed.