This bedframe was super easy to assemble. I did use Locktite on each screw for added strength so the screws would not be able to loosen. Perhaps not necessary. I really liked the 800 lb capacity as most other frames I considered were much lower in weight capacity. This bedframe does not make a sound, it doesnt move when I get in and out, and it feels as strong as the old headboard and footboard bed that I replaced. My mattress is 12 inches in thickness and the top comes to just below the headboard. I love the powder coated black matt finish of the paint and the frame looks like abstract tree branches to me. Perfect!! I wanted to make the room appear bigger and this frame added so much visual and physical space to my room. Love it!
Excellent Quality
This bedframe was super easy to assemble. I did use Locktite on each screw for added strength so the screws would not be able to loosen. Perhaps not necessary. I really liked the 800 lb capacity as most other frames I considered were much lower in weight capacity. This bedframe does not make a sound, it doesnt move when I get in and out, and it feels as strong as the old headboard and footboard bed that I replaced. My mattress is 12 inches in thickness and the top comes to just below the headboard. I love the powder coated black matt finish of the paint and the frame looks like abstract tree branches to me. Perfect!! I wanted to make the room appear bigger and this frame added so much visual and physical space to my room. Love it!