This bunk bed definitely surpassed my expectation. It is VERY sturdy, well built and I love that it is made out of solid wood. The paint color, gray, also looks fabulous! I am honestly so happy with this purchase. For the price, it cannot be beat. It is a bit shorter which is nice for my 4 year old on the top bunk. The kids LOVE it. Another plus: room for storage underneath. My husband put it together in around an hour and had no trouble at all. He is impressed at the price and how this bunk bed doesnt look or feel cheap at all. A
Absolutely love it!
This bunk bed definitely surpassed my expectation. It is VERY sturdy, well built and I love that it is made out of solid wood. The paint color, gray, also looks fabulous! I am honestly so happy with this purchase. For the price, it cannot be beat. It is a bit shorter which is nice for my 4 year old on the top bunk. The kids LOVE it. Another plus: room for storage underneath. My husband put it together in around an hour and had no trouble at all. He is impressed at the price and how this bunk bed doesnt look or feel cheap at all. A