My son is IN LOVE! It seems sturdy enough so far. It took My husband and I about an hour and a half to get it all together from unboxing to complete. There are a few knicks in the furniture but nothing worth returning over. I purchased the tent separately and it was definitely worth it. We have an 8 mattress both on the top and underneath. We plan on turning the bottom mattress sideways when anyone sleeps over but I wouldnt recommend someone actually sleeping under it out of fear of them hitting their head. Overall the bed seems good so far! I will certainly try to remember to update!
This bed is great!
My son is IN LOVE! It seems sturdy enough so far. It took My husband and I about an hour and a half to get it all together from unboxing to complete. There are a few knicks in the furniture but nothing worth returning over. I purchased the tent separately and it was definitely worth it. We have an 8 mattress both on the top and underneath. We plan on turning the bottom mattress sideways when anyone sleeps over but I wouldnt recommend someone actually sleeping under it out of fear of them hitting their head. Overall the bed seems good so far! I will certainly try to remember to update!