The box came in perfect condition, I opened it and everything inside looked perfect, except for one of the long sides of the top bed that had a crack, didnt look too bad, mostly cosmetic and we can live with that, so I went ahead and started putting the bunk bed together. When I was almost done that piece broke in half, really poor quality control. Ive contacted and was given a discount for the bed while Im waiting for the manufacturer to reply to my message in order to get a replacement part. That will be the best option since taking everything apart and trying to put it back in the box will be too much work.
Almost perfect, one major issue.
The box came in perfect condition, I opened it and everything inside looked perfect, except for one of the long sides of the top bed that had a crack, didnt look too bad, mostly cosmetic and we can live with that, so I went ahead and started putting the bunk bed together. When I was almost done that piece broke in half, really poor quality control. Ive contacted and was given a discount for the bed while Im waiting for the manufacturer to reply to my message in order to get a replacement part. That will be the best option since taking everything apart and trying to put it back in the box will be too much work.