This was a fairly straightforward assemble and the directions are easy to follow. I had no issues with any parts being damaged or missing. The parts are packaged extremely well to prevent damage and scuffing. I used carpenters glue on all the dowels to give it some extra rigidity. When assembled this is a VERY solid piece of furniture. Picking it up and feeling the weight, it feels like something you bought pre assembled at the furniture store. It looks like better quality as well. The black is a matte finish and the metal pulls are a nice contemporary design. The glides are not the smoothest but are acceptable. I suppose you could switch them out to higher quality if wanted. I went the extra step and installed floor glides on the bottom of each foot...just pre drill first so you dont split the wood. I shopped around on the Internet and s price was by far the best. I would buy this again and highly recommend it.
Very nice quality and cant beat s price.
This was a fairly straightforward assemble and the directions are easy to follow. I had no issues with any parts being damaged or missing. The parts are packaged extremely well to prevent damage and scuffing. I used carpenters glue on all the dowels to give it some extra rigidity. When assembled this is a VERY solid piece of furniture. Picking it up and feeling the weight, it feels like something you bought pre assembled at the furniture store. It looks like better quality as well. The black is a matte finish and the metal pulls are a nice contemporary design. The glides are not the smoothest but are acceptable. I suppose you could switch them out to higher quality if wanted. I went the extra step and installed floor glides on the bottom of each foot...just pre drill first so you dont split the wood. I shopped around on the Internet and s price was by far the best. I would buy this again and highly recommend it.