I ordered 2 to use as nightstands. They look great and are the perfect size. They werent too difficult to assemble either. My only problem was with the packaging. The pieces were protected well, but they were covered in tiny bits of styrofoam. I had to wipe down every piece before putting it together. When everything was assembled, I still found styrofoam bits everywhere and had to wipe down each nightstand again. In the end I wound up having styrofoam all over me and my house.
Styrofoam everywhere...
I ordered 2 to use as nightstands. They look great and are the perfect size. They werent too difficult to assemble either. My only problem was with the packaging. The pieces were protected well, but they were covered in tiny bits of styrofoam. I had to wipe down every piece before putting it together. When everything was assembled, I still found styrofoam bits everywhere and had to wipe down each nightstand again. In the end I wound up having styrofoam all over me and my house.