Super easy to assemble. I did it by myself - I only found it difficult to have enough pressure to secure the arms because I am small. There wasnt any reviews with photos of the blue velvet so I was a bit skeptical and hoped it looked like its photo and it did! Overall, well packaged! I love that you just unzip the bottom and the arms and screws are in there. Easy instructions to read (but hardly even needed them!) it is firm but thats what I wanted. We got rid of a heavy duty sectional as it became too soft and you would just sink inbetween cushions! This is a SIMPLE, MODERN, space saving sofa! I will be adding two yellow accent chairs to go with it. Cant wait to see it all flow together.
Worth it!
Super easy to assemble. I did it by myself - I only found it difficult to have enough pressure to secure the arms because I am small. There wasnt any reviews with photos of the blue velvet so I was a bit skeptical and hoped it looked like its photo and it did! Overall, well packaged! I love that you just unzip the bottom and the arms and screws are in there. Easy instructions to read (but hardly even needed them!) it is firm but thats what I wanted. We got rid of a heavy duty sectional as it became too soft and you would just sink inbetween cushions! This is a SIMPLE, MODERN, space saving sofa! I will be adding two yellow accent chairs to go with it. Cant wait to see it all flow together.