I bought this desk used for $114, was still in great condition, only thing was some things werent labeled, and packaging was damaged, which is better than expected. The desk is super sturdy, very spacious, assembles easily, and is perfect. I have cats who like to climb on everything, so the width of the desk is perfect so they can walk across freely, they can run all throughout it comfortably. The desk is perfect for schoolwork, gaming, drawing, etc.
Great desk! Would buy again!
I bought this desk used for $114, was still in great condition, only thing was some things werent labeled, and packaging was damaged, which is better than expected. The desk is super sturdy, very spacious, assembles easily, and is perfect. I have cats who like to climb on everything, so the width of the desk is perfect so they can walk across freely, they can run all throughout it comfortably. The desk is perfect for schoolwork, gaming, drawing, etc.