Purchased for my grandson for Christmas. Was very disappointed, prior to assembling it, the screws in the bags were marked with the wrong numbers and the black marker that the numbers were written in smudged and transferred on my hands.
We noticed all the scratches and dings on the desk but decided to assemble anyway because our grandson really wanted and needed the desk.
Assembly we couldn't attach the additional space saving shelf on top of the desk because it broke right in my hand prior to mounting it on the desk.
The product looks ok after he placed his equipment on the desk, that's why we kept it. However, don't waste your money, it looks like a previously used item.
We were satisfied with my granddaughter's desk that we purchased from the same company, it's not a l-shaped desk and it is white.
I'm not saying the company is bad, I'm saying don't buy this particular desk.
Quality cheap
Purchased for my grandson for Christmas. Was very disappointed, prior to assembling it, the screws in the bags were marked with the wrong numbers and the black marker that the numbers were written in smudged and transferred on my hands. Next, We noticed all the scratches and dings on the desk but decided to assemble anyway because our grandson really wanted and needed the desk. AFTER, Assembly we couldn't attach the additional space saving shelf on top of the desk because it broke right in my hand prior to mounting it on the desk. The product looks ok after he placed his equipment on the desk, that's why we kept it. However, don't waste your money, it looks like a previously used item. We were satisfied with my granddaughter's desk that we purchased from the same company, it's not a l-shaped desk and it is white. I'm not saying the company is bad, I'm saying don't buy this particular desk.