Great purchase for the price! 2 things to keep in mind is that the bottom part is not as heavy as it should so it kinda makes the chair move to the sides sometimes, another thing that it isnt described is that the metal part that goes around the border of the leather of the seat has a small cut that may look like it is damaged but the seller says it is the connection between the metal. Other than that they are very sturdy and look very expensive, I have received a lot of compliments already from people. I will def buy more or recommend them to others.
Sturdy and Luxury Chairs for the Price!
Great purchase for the price! 2 things to keep in mind is that the bottom part is not as heavy as it should so it kinda makes the chair move to the sides sometimes, another thing that it isnt described is that the metal part that goes around the border of the leather of the seat has a small cut that may look like it is damaged but the seller says it is the connection between the metal. Other than that they are very sturdy and look very expensive, I have received a lot of compliments already from people. I will def buy more or recommend them to others.