The assembly takes some time and it's definitely a two person job but it can be done in under an hour. The bed is sturdy and beautiful but it squeaks and creaks. lol That's my only problem with it. Other than that annoyance it's wonderful. I have a very thick foam mattress, too thick for the frame, but that's my fault for not measuring, and it's still wonderful and is exactly what I wanted for my bedroom!
I love it and it's just what I wanted!
The assembly takes some time and it's definitely a two person job but it can be done in under an hour. The bed is sturdy and beautiful but it squeaks and creaks. lol That's my only problem with it. Other than that annoyance it's wonderful. I have a very thick foam mattress, too thick for the frame, but that's my fault for not measuring, and it's still wonderful and is exactly what I wanted for my bedroom!