Bed seems sturdy, and it looks great in my new guest room. I put it together by myself in about 1.5 hours. A helper would have been nice, but it worked. The only thing I don't like about this bed is that you can't see the beautiful spindles when the pillows are on. Even if I lay the pillows down instead of propping them up, the spindles are barely visible. At least the spindles on the foot can be seen. I'm sure I'm the only one who notices this; everyone else thinks it looks great!
Lovely bed
Bed seems sturdy, and it looks great in my new guest room. I put it together by myself in about 1.5 hours. A helper would have been nice, but it worked. The only thing I don't like about this bed is that you can't see the beautiful spindles when the pillows are on. Even if I lay the pillows down instead of propping them up, the spindles are barely visible. At least the spindles on the foot can be seen. I'm sure I'm the only one who notices this; everyone else thinks it looks great!