Overall I love this frame! Its sturdy, not too tall, and my kiddo loves it. Her mattress is taller than the recommendations, but theres still enough railing to prevent her from falling. However, you definitely need to have two people to do this. It took my partner and I about three hours to put it together. The biggest reason I gave it four stars instead of five is because some of the pieces were mislabeled and we had to redo part of the frame.
Really great frame!
Overall I love this frame! Its sturdy, not too tall, and my kiddo loves it. Her mattress is taller than the recommendations, but theres still enough railing to prevent her from falling. However, you definitely need to have two people to do this. It took my partner and I about three hours to put it together. The biggest reason I gave it four stars instead of five is because some of the pieces were mislabeled and we had to redo part of the frame.