The quality is great but assembly was aggravating. We had to reem out each hole so that the screws would fit. My husband was so aggravated, but we had already reeked out too many holes to send it back. We did eventually get it together but it took about 5 hours of assembly.
We did buy a returned bed but it said that it was only damaged packaging which we don't care about. Maybe this bed was returned due to assembly issues from the initial buyer.
Based on the other reviews it seems this isn't a reoccurring issue but I would steer clear of returned product.
The quality is great but assembly was aggravating
The quality is great but assembly was aggravating. We had to reem out each hole so that the screws would fit. My husband was so aggravated, but we had already reeked out too many holes to send it back. We did eventually get it together but it took about 5 hours of assembly. We did buy a returned bed but it said that it was only damaged packaging which we don't care about. Maybe this bed was returned due to assembly issues from the initial buyer. Based on the other reviews it seems this isn't a reoccurring issue but I would steer clear of returned product.