For the price point this bunk bed is an excellent buy. Its just good enough in every area. Its sturdy enough, its good looking enough and the instructions are good enough. Nothing is outstanding about this bed. The finish is good and while there were a few very minor scrapes I would consider the quality control to be very good. There were no missing parts and thankfully no missing hardware. My grandsons love it and we are overall very happy with the purchase. For just under $300 I recommend this bed. Dont expect high end, think more solid and functional.
It took about about 6.5 hours to put the bed together.
Good for the price point
For the price point this bunk bed is an excellent buy. Its just good enough in every area. Its sturdy enough, its good looking enough and the instructions are good enough. Nothing is outstanding about this bed. The finish is good and while there were a few very minor scrapes I would consider the quality control to be very good. There were no missing parts and thankfully no missing hardware. My grandsons love it and we are overall very happy with the purchase. For just under $300 I recommend this bed. Dont expect high end, think more solid and functional. It took about about 6.5 hours to put the bed together.