The instructions were pretty clear. The assembly was easy and logical. The final product is sturdy, and I like the modest, slim style/perfect for plants next to a window in a small room. It was packaged in a way that made shipping damage impossible; my only complaint was the ABUNDANCE of packaging, most of which is recyclable. However it wont be accepted in our city recycling, so all the cardboard plastic wrap will be driven to a local recycler.
Exactly as pictured, easy to assemble
The instructions were pretty clear. The assembly was easy and logical. The final product is sturdy, and I like the modest, slim style/perfect for plants next to a window in a small room. It was packaged in a way that made shipping damage impossible; my only complaint was the ABUNDANCE of packaging, most of which is recyclable. However it wont be accepted in our city recycling, so all the cardboard plastic wrap will be driven to a local recycler.