Bought this Twin bed for my 2 year old daughter and it is so cute! The leather material is really great quality for the price! Love the height of the bed as I was nervous it was going to be too high for my daughter to get into, but it is the perfect height for her!
The only thing I wish, was that the bottom inside of the drawers were a little better sturdy quality. They are just a harder plastic piece that goes in there so you definitely cant put a lot in the drawer for the weight factor.
Overall I would recommend this bed for a good starter toddler bed for sure.
Great quality for price!
Bought this Twin bed for my 2 year old daughter and it is so cute! The leather material is really great quality for the price! Love the height of the bed as I was nervous it was going to be too high for my daughter to get into, but it is the perfect height for her! The only thing I wish, was that the bottom inside of the drawers were a little better sturdy quality. They are just a harder plastic piece that goes in there so you definitely cant put a lot in the drawer for the weight factor. Overall I would recommend this bed for a good starter toddler bed for sure.