I bought this chair to use in my home office, and its super cute! It came quickly, was easy to put together, and seems comfortable and sturdy. Im 58 and the height was fine, but, unfortunately the seat is a little too small for my adult hips (43). I can fit, but its just not comfortable to be wedged into the chair for long periods of time. I would recommend it for kids and smaller adults, but I had to return this chair.
Adorable, but not for most adults
I bought this chair to use in my home office, and its super cute! It came quickly, was easy to put together, and seems comfortable and sturdy. Im 58 and the height was fine, but, unfortunately the seat is a little too small for my adult hips (43). I can fit, but its just not comfortable to be wedged into the chair for long periods of time. I would recommend it for kids and smaller adults, but I had to return this chair.