This was really easy to assemble and is very soft and comfy. Only thing is the seat is a bit smaller than I was hoping for (I like to sit cross legged in chairs, still achievable just not as much as I wouldve hoped), and the back leans out so far that it doesnt offer much back support. The ridges in the back make surprisingly good arm rests though and the seat is still quite comfortable. Definitely happy with this purchase.
Cute chair thats comfy!
This was really easy to assemble and is very soft and comfy. Only thing is the seat is a bit smaller than I was hoping for (I like to sit cross legged in chairs, still achievable just not as much as I wouldve hoped), and the back leans out so far that it doesnt offer much back support. The ridges in the back make surprisingly good arm rests though and the seat is still quite comfortable. Definitely happy with this purchase.