Super easy to assemble but there is nothing holding all 3 parts in place! I can’t pick up the chair and move it upstairs Without it coming a part. Not a super huge problem since it’s so easy to put back together but that means it will get worn out faster. Also the seat is not recommended for, ahem, wide bottoms... It barely works for me and I don’t have anything back there to brag about
Won’t buy again but too lazy to return.
Good enough
Super easy to assemble but there is nothing holding all 3 parts in place! I can’t pick up the chair and move it upstairs Without it coming a part. Not a super huge problem since it’s so easy to put back together but that means it will get worn out faster. Also the seat is not recommended for, ahem, wide bottoms... It barely works for me and I don’t have anything back there to brag about Won’t buy again but too lazy to return.