Bought this bunk bed set for my grandchildren, my fear was it was too high for them. But this bed is perfect for small children, my seven year old granddaughter has the top bunk and my 2 year old grandson has the bottom. Again the perfect size for them both. My grandson, finally has his own bed and love its. Bedtime is much easier now that they both have their own space. The construction is excellent and easy to put together. Very impressed with this bed. I highly recommend it.
Great beds for grandchildren!
Bought this bunk bed set for my grandchildren, my fear was it was too high for them. But this bed is perfect for small children, my seven year old granddaughter has the top bunk and my 2 year old grandson has the bottom. Again the perfect size for them both. My grandson, finally has his own bed and love its. Bedtime is much easier now that they both have their own space. The construction is excellent and easy to put together. Very impressed with this bed. I highly recommend it.