Assembling any furniture is not easy. The bottom bunk is small, so we have our toddler there, so she doesn't have to climb or get hurt. I can sit up right under there. Top is y older daughter. It is very sturdy, and no toys or junk can go underneath it. It's a pian getting sheets on the bottom but that's because our mattress is a little thick and I'm 8 months pregnant.
Use for a toddler
Assembling any furniture is not easy. The bottom bunk is small, so we have our toddler there, so she doesn't have to climb or get hurt. I can sit up right under there. Top is y older daughter. It is very sturdy, and no toys or junk can go underneath it. It's a pian getting sheets on the bottom but that's because our mattress is a little thick and I'm 8 months pregnant.