Son loves the blue color, the frame seems very solid. Easy for mom to assemble, other than one bolt that wouldn't thread, and two guard rails missing their pre-drilled holes (unless I'm lazy and just imagined they should have been there). One giant ding in the bottom rail, but it's on the backside so we're going to live with it at this price. Used 6 inch mattresses - that thin, and without a solid surface like a box spring, we'll probably add more support rails soon. Overall, a nice bed that hopefully lasts up to two hooligans.
Great bunk for the price
Son loves the blue color, the frame seems very solid. Easy for mom to assemble, other than one bolt that wouldn't thread, and two guard rails missing their pre-drilled holes (unless I'm lazy and just imagined they should have been there). One giant ding in the bottom rail, but it's on the backside so we're going to live with it at this price. Used 6 inch mattresses - that thin, and without a solid surface like a box spring, we'll probably add more support rails soon. Overall, a nice bed that hopefully lasts up to two hooligans.