Great, sturdy bed. GET A 5/32 HEX DRILL BIT. Ths simple purchase can prevent a divorce and/or save a friendship.
The bed is very sturdy, looks great, and my daughter loves it! It does take forever to put together, so give yourself some time. Do yourself a favor and go buy a 5/32 hex drill bit. Seriously. I cant imagine putting this bed together with the little hex key that comes with the kit. Even with an Electric drill and the correct drillbit, it took my husband and I twohours to it put together. I think it will take twice as long without it.
Great, sturdy bed. GET A 5/32 HEX DRILL BIT. Ths simple purchase can prevent a divorce and/or save a friendship.
The bed is very sturdy, looks great, and my daughter loves it! It does take forever to put together, so give yourself some time. Do yourself a favor and go buy a 5/32 hex drill bit. Seriously. I cant imagine putting this bed together with the little hex key that comes with the kit. Even with an Electric drill and the correct drillbit, it took my husband and I twohours to it put together. I think it will take twice as long without it.