The bench is great once put together. It is very sturdy and looks great. Holds 6 pairs of shoes comfortably. The bars should be easy to clean.
Putting it together is a pain because you have to align 8 bars to fit in 8 holes simultaneously. I found this was easiest done by fastening everything to one side, laying that side on the floor with the bars sticking up vertically, and then putting the other side on top. I used an electric driver so drilling holes into the top wasnt necessary. I cant justify taking off a star for 10 mins of annoyance considering how great this bench is for the price.
The bench is great once put together
The bench is great once put together. It is very sturdy and looks great. Holds 6 pairs of shoes comfortably. The bars should be easy to clean. Putting it together is a pain because you have to align 8 bars to fit in 8 holes simultaneously. I found this was easiest done by fastening everything to one side, laying that side on the floor with the bars sticking up vertically, and then putting the other side on top. I used an electric driver so drilling holes into the top wasnt necessary. I cant justify taking off a star for 10 mins of annoyance considering how great this bench is for the price.