Easy to set up and seemed sturdy enough at first. Unfortunately, I havent had it for two full weeks yet, and its already squeaking when I roll over. Its just me and my cats on my memory foam mattress, so I dont see why it would be creaking and squeaking so much already.
Im going to try to pick up some plywood this weekend and put it under the mattress to see if it helps the squeaking. Crossing my fingers.
Otherwise its a good frame for the price (and probably fares better with lighter sleepers).
Okay frame, already squeaking.
Easy to set up and seemed sturdy enough at first. Unfortunately, I havent had it for two full weeks yet, and its already squeaking when I roll over. Its just me and my cats on my memory foam mattress, so I dont see why it would be creaking and squeaking so much already. Im going to try to pick up some plywood this weekend and put it under the mattress to see if it helps the squeaking. Crossing my fingers. Otherwise its a good frame for the price (and probably fares better with lighter sleepers).