This is my fourth product and while my expectations for particleboard products are low this still disappoints. It looks like the pictures and was easy to assemble, it took me about 1.5 hours on my own, but it is flimsy. I honestly thought I may snap the outer panels when trying to attach the doors. My plan is to use this as storage in our basement/playroom but I dont think it can handle that much wieght and it absolutely needs to be anchored to the wall because I feel it will tip easily. I would give it 3.5 stars if half stars were allowed. This was less expensive than other comparable products, if I had paid more I may have taken another star.
Not as sturdy as past products
This is my fourth product and while my expectations for particleboard products are low this still disappoints. It looks like the pictures and was easy to assemble, it took me about 1.5 hours on my own, but it is flimsy. I honestly thought I may snap the outer panels when trying to attach the doors. My plan is to use this as storage in our basement/playroom but I dont think it can handle that much wieght and it absolutely needs to be anchored to the wall because I feel it will tip easily. I would give it 3.5 stars if half stars were allowed. This was less expensive than other comparable products, if I had paid more I may have taken another star.