Do NOT try to assemble this by yourself. Dear god. It took me 4 hours by myself to put this together. Also, pay extremely close attention to what youre putting together where. The instructions do not tell you anything past piece numbers, but it has to go together exactly perfectly or youll have to take it all apart and redo it. Otherwise though, this stand is very sturdy and very heavy and seems like really good quality. Just please, for the love of your sanity, get another person to help you.
You NEED 2 people to put this together.
Do NOT try to assemble this by yourself. Dear god. It took me 4 hours by myself to put this together. Also, pay extremely close attention to what youre putting together where. The instructions do not tell you anything past piece numbers, but it has to go together exactly perfectly or youll have to take it all apart and redo it. Otherwise though, this stand is very sturdy and very heavy and seems like really good quality. Just please, for the love of your sanity, get another person to help you.