The product was packed very well, not one bit of damage to anything. The directions to assemble were for the most part quite easy to follow. My one big complaint, and I have seen many other people say this, is the holes need to be more pre-drilled than they are. I struggled for an hour to try to screw in the magnetic stops for the doors. I finally just gave up. I plan on either gluing them or getting some double-sided tape. Everyone that sees it really likes it. It looks like a more expensive piece of furniture.
Very Nice Piece
The product was packed very well, not one bit of damage to anything. The directions to assemble were for the most part quite easy to follow. My one big complaint, and I have seen many other people say this, is the holes need to be more pre-drilled than they are. I struggled for an hour to try to screw in the magnetic stops for the doors. I finally just gave up. I plan on either gluing them or getting some double-sided tape. Everyone that sees it really likes it. It looks like a more expensive piece of furniture.