This chair arrived in a ludicrously small box, and required a LOT of screwdriving to put together. It was simply to build, just a lot of work. The quality of the wood is soso, but I expected that, as its not a pricey piece of deck furniture. However, its very comfy to sit in, and the foldability makes it nice for if you want to move it somewhere or store it for the winter.
good value for price
This chair arrived in a ludicrously small box, and required a LOT of screwdriving to put together. It was simply to build, just a lot of work. The quality of the wood is soso, but I expected that, as its not a pricey piece of deck furniture. However, its very comfy to sit in, and the foldability makes it nice for if you want to move it somewhere or store it for the winter.