The box, when delivered, is smaller than you expect. But the packing of the parts is efficient. One should layout all the parts as per the included inventory. My first chair when together slowly but I was being delibrate to assure it the chair came together as designed. The second chair I had problems with as certain predrilled holes were just not lining up properly. The vendor replaced the chair upon my complaint and the replacement chair came together as expected. (BTW the vendor had me keep the second chair too costly to return I suspect. On my own, I made the necessary adjustments to complete the chair.)
Lightweight and Foldable
The box, when delivered, is smaller than you expect. But the packing of the parts is efficient. One should layout all the parts as per the included inventory. My first chair when together slowly but I was being delibrate to assure it the chair came together as designed. The second chair I had problems with as certain predrilled holes were just not lining up properly. The vendor replaced the chair upon my complaint and the replacement chair came together as expected. (BTW the vendor had me keep the second chair too costly to return I suspect. On my own, I made the necessary adjustments to complete the chair.)