Outstanding build quality, and very consistent unit to unit
I bought 3 of these, and they were very easy to assemble, everything lined up as it should, even the color matched between all the units. Easily the best pre/fab I have ever put together. The only ding against this would be the styrofoam used in the packagingit was extremely well packaged and suffered no damage in transit, however the styrofoam material partially decomposed (maybe an environmentally friendly thing) into hundreds if not thousands of tiny particles, all statically clinging to the individual 8 pieces as they came out of the box. I had to vacuum each piece as it came out of the shipping box. Not annoying enough to take away a star though, just keep your vacuum handy.
Outstanding build quality, and very consistent unit to unit
I bought 3 of these, and they were very easy to assemble, everything lined up as it should, even the color matched between all the units. Easily the best pre/fab I have ever put together. The only ding against this would be the styrofoam used in the packagingit was extremely well packaged and suffered no damage in transit, however the styrofoam material partially decomposed (maybe an environmentally friendly thing) into hundreds if not thousands of tiny particles, all statically clinging to the individual 8 pieces as they came out of the box. I had to vacuum each piece as it came out of the shipping box. Not annoying enough to take away a star though, just keep your vacuum handy.