You can tell a lot of thought went into making this easy to assemble. I have assembled a few IKEA items and this was far easier. Screws in the hinges were pre/placed, all holes pre/drilled, and my favorite was the back board, normally I am doing math to spread the little nails evenly around the perimeter while also worrying about being too close to the edge but this had a template for each of the nails! The hinges were tricky, but 3 YouTube videos later I figured it out and now I can fix my kitchen cabinets too! Looks great feels sturdy!
Designed for easy assembly
You can tell a lot of thought went into making this easy to assemble. I have assembled a few IKEA items and this was far easier. Screws in the hinges were pre/placed, all holes pre/drilled, and my favorite was the back board, normally I am doing math to spread the little nails evenly around the perimeter while also worrying about being too close to the edge but this had a template for each of the nails! The hinges were tricky, but 3 YouTube videos later I figured it out and now I can fix my kitchen cabinets too! Looks great feels sturdy!