Love the chair. Sturdy. Quality materials and looks for the price. But to be fair it could be a better product: one arm arrived scratched, and the seat is pretty firm. It sits a bit shorter than it looked like it would, but its a comfy body angle so this lower height is not a negative after all. Only disappointed in the scratch and the overly firm seat part. Assembly was easy and with confident attachments. Have a rubber mallet handy for the finishing touch.
Had to be fair on this review
Love the chair. Sturdy. Quality materials and looks for the price. But to be fair it could be a better product: one arm arrived scratched, and the seat is pretty firm. It sits a bit shorter than it looked like it would, but its a comfy body angle so this lower height is not a negative after all. Only disappointed in the scratch and the overly firm seat part. Assembly was easy and with confident attachments. Have a rubber mallet handy for the finishing touch.