Looks amazing! Just the style I was looking for and a reasonable price. Super easy to assemble (just attach the legs). It is pretty stiff but I expect the cushions to wear in a bit or I may think about replacing the cushion material inside the case for more comfort, currently it isnt an issue. I was surprised at how deep the seat is and how tall the seat is. Im nearly 6 and my feet barely touch the floor if I am sitting against the back of the couch. My wife is 57 and her feet dangle and her toes barely touch the floor.
Surprisingly tall and deep
Looks amazing! Just the style I was looking for and a reasonable price. Super easy to assemble (just attach the legs). It is pretty stiff but I expect the cushions to wear in a bit or I may think about replacing the cushion material inside the case for more comfort, currently it isnt an issue. I was surprised at how deep the seat is and how tall the seat is. Im nearly 6 and my feet barely touch the floor if I am sitting against the back of the couch. My wife is 57 and her feet dangle and her toes barely touch the floor.