So easy to assemble. Literally all you have to do is screw the legs on. Im so happy with this chair. Its small, but not too small. Im 53 and weight 150 lbs., Im pretty curvy, and I fit comfortably in the chair. However somebody who is 20 or 30 lbs heavier than me, it would likely feel too cramped. Its very sturdy, but in my opinion more of an accent chair. I use it to read in. Its not a chair to kick back and relax in. But for my bedroom it is perfect for what I needed.
Perfect for tight space
So easy to assemble. Literally all you have to do is screw the legs on. Im so happy with this chair. Its small, but not too small. Im 53 and weight 150 lbs., Im pretty curvy, and I fit comfortably in the chair. However somebody who is 20 or 30 lbs heavier than me, it would likely feel too cramped. Its very sturdy, but in my opinion more of an accent chair. I use it to read in. Its not a chair to kick back and relax in. But for my bedroom it is perfect for what I needed.