I really like how sturdy these are. They are really pretty as well. The seat is not the most comfortable though. Also, one seat top was scratched. Wasnt a big deal to us, but is highly noticeable. Comfort lacking-Within a couple minutes, Ive got to get up. I dont gravitate to sitting on them as much as Id like. If I had to do again, Id be more inclined to go with a different style. But, these stools are very durable, stylish, and aesthetically pleasing at our bar. A there. Comfort: D-
Looks beautiful
I really like how sturdy these are. They are really pretty as well. The seat is not the most comfortable though. Also, one seat top was scratched. Wasnt a big deal to us, but is highly noticeable. Comfort lacking-Within a couple minutes, Ive got to get up. I dont gravitate to sitting on them as much as Id like. If I had to do again, Id be more inclined to go with a different style. But, these stools are very durable, stylish, and aesthetically pleasing at our bar. A there. Comfort: D-