Toddler loves it! I was able to fit a soft queen mattress under for him to start sleeping on until he is old enough for the top bunk but during the day he loves using the slide, the steps and goes on the top bunk to read. Easy to assemble! I did it myself in two hours- it helps to identify and lay all screws out first. Overall very pleased with the bed and how unique it is. It does have a strong chemical smell- paint and wood? so I ran a purifier for a few days before letting my child sleep there.
Toddler loves it! I was able to fit a soft queen mattress under for him to start sleeping on until he is old enough for the top bunk but during the day he loves using the slide, the steps and goes on the top bunk to read. Easy to assemble! I did it myself in two hours- it helps to identify and lay all screws out first. Overall very pleased with the bed and how unique it is. It does have a strong chemical smell- paint and wood? so I ran a purifier for a few days before letting my child sleep there.