I absolutely love this bed! Its very sturdy for the most part the bed rail to protect the child from falling out is a bit wobbly but nothing crazy where I feel nervous my child will fall out. Its lower than I expected which worked out fine for me and my daughters room. The slide is very speedy but I added a ball pit at the bottom to cushion the fall. It took about 2 hours to assemble. My daughters father said the instructions were pretty simple to follow. The latter is sturdy as well.
Great buy!
I absolutely love this bed! Its very sturdy for the most part the bed rail to protect the child from falling out is a bit wobbly but nothing crazy where I feel nervous my child will fall out. Its lower than I expected which worked out fine for me and my daughters room. The slide is very speedy but I added a ball pit at the bottom to cushion the fall. It took about 2 hours to assemble. My daughters father said the instructions were pretty simple to follow. The latter is sturdy as well.