I purchased this to replace the one that we have had for 10 years. These are big, sturdy comfortable chairs with a classy look. Our 1st one held up well, but as we use it every day for a least a couple of hours it was getting worn. Not for small spaces and not the best option for petite people. Im 56 and while I dont need a chair of this stature, my spouse over 6 does prefers it. However, Im comfortable when I sit in it.
Comfort with a classy look
I purchased this to replace the one that we have had for 10 years. These are big, sturdy comfortable chairs with a classy look. Our 1st one held up well, but as we use it every day for a least a couple of hours it was getting worn. Not for small spaces and not the best option for petite people. Im 56 and while I dont need a chair of this stature, my spouse over 6 does prefers it. However, Im comfortable when I sit in it.