The description of this chair is pretty accurate. Its well put together chair. This is by no means a cheap office chair that you can find online or at Walmart.
Its mostly easy. The only warning I would give is to not tighten the arm bolts very much. If you lock them down before you put the seat on, you wont be able to get the seat on. Once the seat is in place you can lock the arms down.
Its very nice. For home use its great. Compared to what youd find in an office, its about in the middle.
It leans, goes up and down, and the arms fold up. You cant ask for much more at this price point.
Its good. This thing feels solid and no parts appear to be cheap.
This is a nice chair, but unless you are self employed and can write off the price, its not the best value youll find.
Very Nice Office Chair
The description of this chair is pretty accurate. Its well put together chair. This is by no means a cheap office chair that you can find online or at Walmart. ASSEMBLY Its mostly easy. The only warning I would give is to not tighten the arm bolts very much. If you lock them down before you put the seat on, you wont be able to get the seat on. Once the seat is in place you can lock the arms down. COMFORT Its very nice. For home use its great. Compared to what youd find in an office, its about in the middle. UTILITY It leans, goes up and down, and the arms fold up. You cant ask for much more at this price point. DURABILITY Its good. This thing feels solid and no parts appear to be cheap. OVERALL This is a nice chair, but unless you are self employed and can write off the price, its not the best value youll find.