Easy to assemble seat is comfortable but doesnt lean the seat at all.
Easy to setup. Took 20 without instructions. Things I like. Its got a nice up / down lever. Not the long metal lever like others. The seat is some faux leather and is fairly comfortable. It allows a good up down height adjustment. It has a nice ergonomic seating position. My main gripe is that the lean back is only on the back. Your seat doesnt lean back. So you dont feel like your sitting back. Its got a nice feature that as you lean back it pulls your back rest back too. Nice for sitting around and working, but my old chair used to recline quite a ways. It was nice for relaxing back and listening to some tunes. This one doesnt lean back like that. The arms also flip up which is actually very useful.
Easy to assemble seat is comfortable but doesnt lean the seat at all.
Easy to setup. Took 20 without instructions. Things I like. Its got a nice up / down lever. Not the long metal lever like others. The seat is some faux leather and is fairly comfortable. It allows a good up down height adjustment. It has a nice ergonomic seating position. My main gripe is that the lean back is only on the back. Your seat doesnt lean back. So you dont feel like your sitting back. Its got a nice feature that as you lean back it pulls your back rest back too. Nice for sitting around and working, but my old chair used to recline quite a ways. It was nice for relaxing back and listening to some tunes. This one doesnt lean back like that. The arms also flip up which is actually very useful.